Friday, May 17, 2019

I Passed the Compre!!!!

There are lows in life but they are certainly not always.

I promised ten years ago to never punish myself again by burning the midnight candle and taking another dreadful examination in my life. But I realised this bitter and painful reality that if we want to sharpen our pencil, we must go through the sharpener. Okay.

For the last quarter of the year, I had to maintain a low visibility whether in social media or in real world. I did not tell anyone, especially my colleagues back in my work, that I am taking the Comprehensive Examination. I did not want to entertain the cookie cutter pressure while preparing for the day I thought was my "fall from grace". Besides, I was not sure really and nobody knows how harsh UP could be.

I faithfully did my homework for three months. It was never fun, of course. There were times when my brain got lost in ideas. There were times when I the thought of just quitting was tempting. There were times when I doubted if this journey is still worth pursuing. But at the end of the day, I am thankful because I always found that consolation of a "greater purpose" amidst all struggles and sacrifices.

Today I received the most anticipated result. I am extremely but humbly delighted to share my joy at the moment as months of tears and prayers finally paid off. And what made it extra special is: I got a HIGH PASS rating! As I said, I was honestly okay with "pass" and even "low pass" as long as it would mean continuing the journey. But no "best" is impossible with hardwork coupled with prayers. I just need to remind myself to have faith always.

High Pass!

There are also highs like this moment though certainly not always. But I am firmly resolved that I have reached this stage of the journey fiercely and there are no harder terrains this time that I cannot tackle boldly.


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